Scenic Designer, Scenic Painter, Props Artisan

Nora: A Doll's House

 Nora: A Doll’s House

by Stef Smith

Purdue University

Directed by Ann M. Shanahan

November 2022

Lighting Design by Hannah Grace Harper

Costume Design by Carlee Wuchterl

Sound Design by Tyler Berg

Technical Direction by Trevor Marshall

The scenic design of this production of Nora: A Doll’s House consists of two major components: the rotating turntable and the doors and windows flown in the air above.

         The turntable serves as the main playing stage for the action of the story. As things start to break down for Nora, the turntable will begin to “swirl” and spin, representative of her carefully crafted world breaking down. When it finally rights itself, everything will be slightly different than it was before, showing the cracks in Nora’s facade. The table is surrounded by a kind of liminal space, in which a small amount of audience is seated. This space is occupied by actors not actively participating in the scene as they look in on the action unfolding. The furniture and props are minimal and not specific to any of the three time periods, but of a style that they do not look out of place there.

         The doors and windows offer our look in on Nora’s soul, her inner fire- if the house is representative of Nora’s body, this is the audience’s way to see inside. In the moments of “swirling,” the doors and windows will also move up and down, adding to the feeling of Nora losing what little control she has over her life. Each window is unique, adding to the message that “everyone is Nora”- everyone can look into the air and find something familiar.

Preliminary Sketches

Refined Sketches